Our Mission
105 Years of Service
Merced County Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, grassroots organization that advocates for approximately 1,000 men and women who provide food, fiber, and nursery products for our community, state, and nation.
Merced County Farm Bureau exists for the purpose of improving the ability of individuals engaged in production agriculture to utilize California resources to produce food and fiber in the most profitable, efficient and responsible manner possible guaranteeing our nation a domestic food supply.
Merced County Farm Bureau supports policies and legislation that promote and protect our Country's number one industry - agriculture for future generations and the security of our nation.

Photo courtesy of Merced County Courthouse Museum
Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization of farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement, economic opportunity, and social advancement and, thereby, to promote the national well-being.
Farm Bureau is local, statewide, national and international in its scope and influence and is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and non-secret in character. Farm Bureau exists for the purpose of improving the ability of individuals engaged in production agriculture to utilize California resources to produce food and fiber in the most profitable, efficient, and responsible manner possible.

Merced County Farm Bureau supports policies and legislation that protect the land, water, resources, and the men and women engaged and involved in agriculture. Every decision that is made at the local, state or national level by our policy makers should first consider the impacts on agriculture. The ability to feed ourselves is important to our national security. Being dependent on others for our food supply is not a position our state or country wants to be in.
Planning for agriculture should be our top priority. The San Joaquin Valley should be considered a National Treasure and the number one location to produce our agricultural products for our future generations.
We must provide the land, developed water, and regulatory environment that ensures a dependable workforce to produce a domestic food and fiber supply supporting the economic well-being of our communities.
Building healthy and diverse communities, while respecting the surrounding working landscapes, is the sensible approach for success in the future. Working together we can plan for agriculture and guarantee a vibrant economy benefiting all of Merced County residents.